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feels that, sometimes feelings are best expressed through words....

Thursday 26 May 2011

Ignorance is Bliss

Not knowing is more often better than knowing certain things and more often than not, I have experienced it.

Why is that the happiness that our childhood offers somehow never returns?? Its because we are not exposed to unwanted circumstances and hence never encounter undesirable consequences. That is precisely the reason why children laugh when you swing them up and down. They do not know what it is to fall nor do they know what happens when they fall....

People don't dare to act when they know the consequences. But this is not the point I wish to insist. My point is Ignorance is Bliss..
It has got nothing to do with undesirable consequences rather its about being happy. When I do not know what it is to believe, I do not have to bother myself about disbelief. It is such a thought.

It is like saying, when I do not know science, I will not brood over the contradictory arguments.

Sometimes when a few people around us cause pain, we feel that we were better off not knwoing them. This 'Ignorance is Bliss' had it not happened.

With curiosity at its peak, it very difficult to remain this way but people who do are a happier bunch than people who don't.

It's better I don't know a few things if I am happier not knowing them. :)

Monday 16 May 2011

Worrying - The funny side ;) :(

I wouldn't say I am very optimistic person. Rather not optimistic at all. Though I have the deepest desires for somethings to happen, I don't believe a lot of times that they will happen. But so far most of them have. But I still find a reason to worry why I am not able to forsee that. I worry because I worry a lot.... I am sure most of you would agree with me, because most of you would have worried just like me atleast at some point of time in life.

I worry about someone talking to me at the wrong time. I worry about the same person not talking to me at times :(

I worry about not being able to decide what movie to watch for the evening because if I do not decide quickly, I would be wasting the evening and the next day I need to wake up to go the office :(

When my pick up comes early I worry because I lose my 10 mins sleep.. But when it comes late I'm worried again :-/ and trust me it's not because I'll be late for work... I do not know why, but I am worried :(

Sometimes I do not like to sleep in my room. I find the couch more comfortable. Inspite of my mother's repeated yelling, I make it a point I sleep on the couch. But for some reason when my room is occupied and when I am not able to sleep there, I worry that my room is not there when I want it.

I worry about winters in Doha because they are unbearably cold and also about summers because they are scorching hot.

When my dear ones are there with me I worry about it thinking that it will not be the same always and I need to part ways some day, instead of enjoying the moment. . .

I worry about the exam results because I would have done some paper very badly and would be hoping to pass, but I worry more when I get a 60 in the same paper and people around me score better. .

I worry about not being able to have a futuristic view of myself... And when I see people who live for TODAY and living it to the fullest I worry I am not like them :(

All these seem very silly... I know these are not things to worry about at all. There are so many things to be happy about and here I am writing this article because I am happy that I have only silly things to worry about. . I have no worries this moment and even if I think I do , I know it is something as silly as the ones above... This time I am not worried about worrying a lot, instead I am happy I am able to see the otherside of it ... And it is so funny how one can laugh when you think so much about worrying.. But believe me, so much of my worries  ( SO MUCH sounds big don't they) are exactly the reason I am laughing today... And such small things are the ones that will always keep us happy  :) :) :) :) :)

Sunday 15 May 2011

Uncertainty ... Friend from Foe

Long has this word been haunting me. It has become my permanent companion. It is the only thing that is certain. And it chooses to be never ending. 

Since childhood i have wanted to finish my schooling in a single school.. Wanted to tell people about how me and my friend ( who I wished to have , had i studied in a single school throughout )grew up together from our kinder-garden... But the only thing that grew up with me was Uncertainty. Pardon my addressing Uncertainty like a person's name.. Apparently it commands the importance . I was never sure that i would continue in a school for the next year and this happened till my secondary. I changed half a dozen schools.. Although i was not blessed with one childhood friend, I was abundantly blessed with friends wherever I went.. And every where I went I introduced my companion to my friends. . Uncertainty!!! All of them certainly accepted me with Uncertainty.. Just like me, they were also expecting the unexpected to crop up from me and it would vanish in no time because I was not sure of doing it..

There is a kind of career I want to pursue. . It might not be given an exact name and a degree like my BE EEE but I know what I want to do when I am in that line.. Every day I try new ways to get on the right track but the moment I think of something , there is always this possibility of it happening or not happening.Happening is my thought and not happening is the thought Uncertainty induces in me. I convince myself that Uncertainty has nothing to do with this . I am just considering all the possibilities before taking a decision, which is why I end up not doing what I want to do . But later I thought that I was providing myself with lame excuses. 

May be the very thought that I wanted a childhood friend, crept upon me so much , that i actually started accepting Uncertainty as my friend. May be that is why I am giving myself the excuses so as to keep Uncertainty out of blame. 

So I began looking at things this way.

Only because Uncertainty is there i don't jump to conclusions.Only because of the kind of thoughts Uncertainty induces in me, I am being appreciated for the kind of decisions I make. Uncertainty taught me to analyse situations from a distance before opining.Uncertainty made me believe in my intuitions. Uncertainty relieved me from being gullible.. Uncertainty gave me an insight to a lot of things which I doubt i would have known even with that childhood friend beside me..I do know that Uncertainty can do good things for me : in a way that I like, and most of the time, (GRRR!! ) in a way the situation demands.. Either way I have accepted (after much thinking and with joy ) to live with it because I am tired of looking for people who do not change with time. And that's the only request my Uncertainty obliges .

Give me one good reason why I should be diplomatic

This word has always meant a lot to me.....In the sense that its made me understand people-people of all kinds.... But what makes me write this article is that the increased impact this word has been having on me lately... It has been throwing mixed emotions on me.. It has been satisfying me when i put up the face with someone else... but its throwing me into depression when my near and dear ones put up the same face with me..... But that's how life is. What seems right to us seems wrong to another.....
But life has been a little unfair with me.... Because the impact of diplomatism is more on me than i pose on the others. . . especially from the favourite ones and I HATE IT... But i noticed that that's what most people of the world are made of.... . i mean diplomatism is just like breathing. . a regularity.. A HABIT... Just another action. . It always looked very big to me. . All this while its has been a habit i have been struggling to acquire.. . Diplomatism has always seemed unfair to me. . . looks like i can't think of it that way anymore.. Just like i said before... What seems wrong to me seems right to another....

I have a few questions before i decide on whether or not i wanna possess it. Does diplomat ism involve ignoring people - the people whom u wanted just a few minutes back??? Does diplomatism mean hurting others by being smart and getting things done yr way??? Does diplomatism mean approaching people (you've hated all along ) for something you want from them suddenly??? Does diplomatism mean turning your face off your friends just because there is someone new ??? But whenever any of these incidents occur the only answer being given to me is DIPLOMATISM......... and and if I am not diplomatic I WON'T GO PLACES.......

If this is what diplomatism means and if these are good habits then i don't wanna possess any good habits in life... If diplomatism is what u call regularity then i don't wanna be regular... If diplomatism is the only way to GO PLACES then i would like to stay where i am ..... If diplomatism is the only means of breathing then I DON'T WANNA BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sense Of Belonging

The best feeling one can ever possess in this world is the sense of belonging. Even the smallest thing one does or expects to be done is out of this thought. When there is culturals or tournaments being held in schools or colleges even spectators take sides or voice out for their sides. Isn't it because of the sense of belonging to one's side encourages them to do it..

The feeling of love that creeps upon one, relying on parents friends and relatives to take decisions .... All this comes out of the sense of belonging to some lace or belonging to someone.

Today I'm stripped off it. Two days back to be very precise.. Some voice inside me tells me that i have no where to go early in the morning for me to be outta bed. There is no excitement of whether or not will I'll make it to the bus today at 6.40. There is no cribbing about breakfast after hogging two or three servings of whatever is being served. There is no walking back to classes with friends sharing how each one spent the previous evening and what periods or subjects we have for the day...... There is no cursing of full theory days and no tension about lab classes with incomplete obsee and records. No borrowing pencils and scales and erasers and gums in the last minute.. No more threatening by teachers saying they'll mark us absent because there is not going to be any attendance any more.... The sound of every teacher pronouncing our names in their own ways is still echoing in my ears... No more sleeping in the classes while your teachers go mad and ask you to wash your faces... Much worse is when we sleep in the first hour.. No fifteen mins break to gobble the rasagulla that yr friends bring.

No waiting for lunches with your stomach on fire all the time even after a heavy breakfast. No more post lunch naps in class with the doors and windows shut though they were shut for a different purpose. [ LCD projectors and OHP projectors]. No running for buses at the tick of three.

There is no point deluding oneself saying that we are all going to go out and meet each other often as people do not have time to spare. There is always a second thought and hesitations coming along. There are always priorities that keeps changing. There is always the next phase of life one has to face. There are always better things awaiting in life................